
My boss knowingly came in to work with COVID

I'm pissed. I work midnights alone in an office room with the door closed. I have other coworkers come in a few times a shift when necessary, and then there's a bottleneck at the door during shift change when everyone's trying to leave. While I'm vaccinated, I wear a mask when around a few people out of respect, who are severely immunocompromised. Well Tuesday morning, my boss comes in wearing a mask, which is really unusual for him. He stands at the office door, and while I'm trying to find coverage for a shift he's talking to about four other people in the vicinity. I scoot by him a few times going back and forth, and at some point heat him say he's wearing a mask because he has the sniffles. Turns out, he got COVID on his vacation, tested positive when he came home, notified HR who told him…

I'm pissed.
I work midnights alone in an office room with the door closed. I have other coworkers come in a few times a shift when necessary, and then there's a bottleneck at the door during shift change when everyone's trying to leave. While I'm vaccinated, I wear a mask when around a few people out of respect, who are severely immunocompromised.
Well Tuesday morning, my boss comes in wearing a mask, which is really unusual for him. He stands at the office door, and while I'm trying to find coverage for a shift he's talking to about four other people in the vicinity. I scoot by him a few times going back and forth, and at some point heat him say he's wearing a mask because he has the sniffles. Turns out, he got COVID on his vacation, tested positive when he came home, notified HR who told him to stay home, and he came in anyway! We only found out because his assistant was talking to HR about something completely unrelated, and she mentioned he was in today. HR freaked out and said he has COVID, he can't be here!
That phone call happened after I left in the morning, and I only found out when I came in last night because somebody mentioned it to me offhand. I'm fuming. I would have gotten tested yesterday, but now I have to wait until I get off work, and have to stay up even longer, after three “voluntary” overtime shifts, to make up for this clowns fuckup. Not to mention if I'm positive, I've potentially infected a few people, my gf, my best friend, my immunocompromised mom, my dad, just to name a few.
What can I do here? Can I report my boss to any regulatory authorities? And I believe HR should've notified anybody who came in contact with him, so should I bring that up as well? I've managed to not contract COVID throughout the past two years, and if I lose that because this chucklefuck decided he wanted to work, I'm gonna lose my shit.
Oh, and also: One of my coworkers (who was in close contact with him) has already tested positive. I can't confirm he got it from the boss, but I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt after he risked our health and safety.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm in a union, should I get them involved before even thinking about HR?

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