
My Boss Lied To Me

Back in early November, my boss pulled me into the office to congratulate me and tell me I had gotten full time. I was excited. A few weeks later, I noticed on my employee profile it still said part-time. I thought maybe it just hadn’t been changed in the system yet and brushed it off. Flash forward to last night. I was talking to that same boss about another issue when it was revealed that I am in fact NOT FULL TIME. He has just been giving me full time hours but I am still classified as part time and have gotten none of the benefits. I want to quit. This is absurd. Am I wrong to feel this way? I’m thinking about saying that the end of this schedule (which is the 31st) will be my last day. What do you guys think?

Back in early November, my boss pulled me into the office to congratulate me and tell me I had gotten full time. I was excited. A few weeks later, I noticed on my employee profile it still said part-time. I thought maybe it just hadn’t been changed in the system yet and brushed it off. Flash forward to last night. I was talking to that same boss about another issue when it was revealed that I am in fact NOT FULL TIME. He has just been giving me full time hours but I am still classified as part time and have gotten none of the benefits.

I want to quit. This is absurd. Am I wrong to feel this way? I’m thinking about saying that the end of this schedule (which is the 31st) will be my last day. What do you guys think?

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