
My boss “lied” to me. Should I use the new company ethics hotline to report it?

I put lie in quotations because it is somewhat subjective, his word against mine, but in my mind it was clearly not the truth based on what happened in the past. Anyway, these alleged lies came out during a meeting after I requested to talk about fairness issues at work. They were used to discredit me in front of another supervisor and basically pushed me even further off track for advancement. The day after this meeting, a new ethics hotline was announced. They say it is anonymous. Should I report this manager? I am looking for new jobs.

I put lie in quotations because it is somewhat subjective, his word against mine, but in my mind it was clearly not the truth based on what happened in the past. Anyway, these alleged lies came out during a meeting after I requested to talk about fairness issues at work. They were used to discredit me in front of another supervisor and basically pushed me even further off track for advancement. The day after this meeting, a new ethics hotline was announced. They say it is anonymous. Should I report this manager? I am looking for new jobs.

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