
My Boss planned on firing me, I quit before he got the chance, and now he is begging me to stay

This, as all others, is a complicated story, but I'll do my best to explain it. I'm a young, well experienced diesel mechanic in an area of extreme demand. There has been zero performance issues on my end in the short 3 month period of me working with this company. Early this week, my Boss planned a job for me (transmission in a heavy truck) but never directly told me to start on it. Out of nowhere he stomped into the shop and proceeded to scream at me for doing another, equally important task. After explaining what and why I doing, he told me to start on the other job. No big deal, his temper flared, shit happens. As always, I dropped a few applications to other companies in search of a better/more desirable work. On of those places, an indirect competitor, had me come to an interview. Another employee…

This, as all others, is a complicated story, but I'll do my best to explain it.
I'm a young, well experienced diesel mechanic in an area of extreme demand. There has been zero performance issues on my end in the short 3 month period of me working with this company.

Early this week, my Boss planned a job for me (transmission in a heavy truck) but never directly told me to start on it. Out of nowhere he stomped into the shop and proceeded to scream at me for doing another, equally important task. After explaining what and why I doing, he told me to start on the other job. No big deal, his temper flared, shit happens.

As always, I dropped a few applications to other companies in search of a better/more desirable work. On of those places, an indirect competitor, had me come to an interview. Another employee (probably sales, fuck those guys) saw my personal truck outside of the interview and told my boss. The interview went great and I have a good shot at a much better job now.

Here's where it gets fun. After some field work, I come back to the shop and the boss pulled me into his office. I read the room and immediately quit in an effort to prevent getting fired. That was the correct call, he said he planned on firing me because someone saw me at another business, and somehow his temper tantrum earlier in the week showed that I didn't want to work there.

Without missing a beat, I weighed out my two options. The job I interviewed for was better in absolutely evey way. Pay, company truck, tool allowance, pto, on call schedule, and jobs were far superior. His mood completely flipped, and now he is asking what it would take for me to stay. I told him I'd drop off a list of what I needed, and take a few days to think about it.

My main issue is how ready he was to fire someone who has never had an incident, done absolutely everything that was asked, and taken them from being over a month out on repairs, to under a week.

This doesn't sit well with me. Imo firing someone for exploring options is wrong, especially if they are good at what they do.

What's your opinion? Should I give it another shot, a chance to be competitive with other companies? Or just leave due to his quickness to jump the gun and inferior benefits.

Sorry for the long post, writing is not a mechanics strong point

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