
My Boss purposefully got my vehicle towed because I parked in “his spot”, and now my car is held hostage by the impound company until I pay.

If you need an example of why people don't want to work, look no further than this example of shit behavior by management, where the employee is now forced into an ultimatum because of some petty grievance. This all took place just a few hours ago. My boss is rather aggressive, but there's no one to go to in order to address his behavior. he makes staff mad, curses people out, yells, steals, uses vulnerable people as scape goats, and will lie at every turn and then blame you when things don't turn out the way they are supposed to. He is very obsessed with his parking spot and uses it to talk down to people who try to park there, that's for people who are important to the company he would say. Today there was an event across the street so many parking spots were taken, including ones for…

If you need an example of why people don't want to work, look no further than this example of shit behavior by management, where the employee is now forced into an ultimatum because of some petty grievance. This all took place just a few hours ago.

My boss is rather aggressive, but there's no one to go to in order to address his behavior. he makes staff mad, curses people out, yells, steals, uses vulnerable people as scape goats, and will lie at every turn and then blame you when things don't turn out the way they are supposed to.

He is very obsessed with his parking spot and uses it to talk down to people who try to park there, that's for people who are important to the company he would say.

Today there was an event across the street so many parking spots were taken, including ones for other businesses. This left very little room for parking. His parking spot was one of two parking spots left and I had expected him to be off that day, so I thought the worst that could happen is he found out and yelled at me tomorrow. Not a big deal.

What I did not foresee was him coming in to do inventory since he didn't finish yesterday. But he did a lot more than yell at me, in fact he came up to me with no tricks, and bluntly told me “I told you about parking in my spot, go get your car” and just like that I went outside wondering what he meant, and saw my car wasn't there, but did see the turning tow truck down the street with my car hooked up.

The reason why this is even more malicious is my boss knows that I don't get paid enough, and knows that I do driving for Uber on the side for extra money. he knows full well that he's putting me in financial danger over his fucking parking spot by towing my car, and he doesn't care. Worst part about this is that I'm not even sure I can get him in trouble for it because I would have to prove he called the tow, and he's not likely to admit to it if there's consequences involved.

But my immediate problem is my car. The impound wants $105 for my car to be released, but the scary part is they tell me the price goes up every day they keep the car, so I need to get the car out ASAP, but I don't have that kind of cash to drop out the blue, nor can I approve for credit, so I'm in real trouble here.

Right now instead of driving making money with Uber, my car is in a lot, and there's no way I can afford anything without my car and Uber side-job, so if anything this is not just a rant, but an urgent advice thread as well.

This is the life of an employee working for a petty entitled boss. You work hard for 50hours a week for nothing but trouble.

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