
My boss put out an empty fire extinguisher. What should I do?

I work at a family owned business with multiple locations throughout the state so you know a lot of bullshit goes on! I ran into some people than work at the main location, where the owner spends his time, and they told me that one of their coworkers got yelled at for using a fire extinguisher to put out a fire, and then the owner proceeded to put the empty extinguisher back on the wall. Obviously wrong and if they do that how many other unsafe practices are they taking part in? What should I do?

I work at a family owned business with multiple locations throughout the state so you know a lot of bullshit goes on! I ran into some people than work at the main location, where the owner spends his time, and they told me that one of their coworkers got yelled at for using a fire extinguisher to put out a fire, and then the owner proceeded to put the empty extinguisher back on the wall. Obviously wrong and if they do that how many other unsafe practices are they taking part in? What should I do?

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