
My boss reprimanded me officially and unofficially in front of the whole office, including my subordinates

I work in a government building that staffs 4 people in the front of house and 6 people in the offices in back. I am the manager of the 4 people out front. I have been working there for 2ish weeks and am still being trained on the extensive and unorganized policies and procedures that occur within the building. Today my boss came out to give a training to all the employees out front on a process that I was told how to do when I started. As she was explaining, I realized I had been forgetting to write down a number. This number is written down in 6 different places. I forgot one internal document that ends up in the same place that two of the other internal documents goes to, and is pretty pointless because of this. When I said I thought it was me that was forgetting…

I work in a government building that staffs 4 people in the front of house and 6 people in the offices in back. I am the manager of the 4 people out front. I have been working there for 2ish weeks and am still being trained on the extensive and unorganized policies and procedures that occur within the building. Today my boss came out to give a training to all the employees out front on a process that I was told how to do when I started. As she was explaining, I realized I had been forgetting to write down a number. This number is written down in 6 different places. I forgot one internal document that ends up in the same place that two of the other internal documents goes to, and is pretty pointless because of this. When I said I thought it was me that was forgetting she rudely said “yes it was and it was a giant waste of my time to have to figure it out”. I was taken aback by her rude response, but she’s often rude, so I let it go.

Afterwards, I was called to the back office. She had me sign a piece of paper saying I had been formally “counseled” and verifying I had been retrained. She did this in front of the entirety of the back office. Her private office was 3 feet away and she chose to reprimand me formally in front of 5 other people. My only assumption would be that she did this to purposely shame me for a minor mistake on my 10th day of work. Office culture is so toxic and needs to die.

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