
My boss scolded me for shit he had no knowledge of, then told our subordinate about it the next day.

I already posted about this shit today, but I’m just that much more angry now that I know that the person who reports to both of us was subject to our boss’s bitching about stuff he made up about me. I don’t want to throw this other person under the bus for telling me what he said to them, but this shit is so unprofessional and toxic. I have a feeling he already told our district manager. I shouldn’t have to defend what I did, there was nothing wrong with it. Now I feel like I’m being undermined and criticized unfairly. My partner suggested last night that I start looking for a new job. I think they’re right.

I already posted about this shit today, but I’m just that much more angry now that I know that the person who reports to both of us was subject to our boss’s bitching about stuff he made up about me. I don’t want to throw this other person under the bus for telling me what he said to them, but this shit is so unprofessional and toxic. I have a feeling he already told our district manager.

I shouldn’t have to defend what I did, there was nothing wrong with it. Now I feel like I’m being undermined and criticized unfairly.

My partner suggested last night that I start looking for a new job. I think they’re right.

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