
My boss told me people overseas can do my job for cheaper

I’m a recent college grad working in the graphic design field and I’m honestly so miserable at this place. My hours have been cut since Christmas and I’m not allowed to do full time anymore cause “my sales are low” even tho my orders have been picking up a lot since the holidays are over. I’ve had to use my credit card a lot to buy basic things like food and gas. Today, my boss wanted to have a talk with me because a customer complained that I took two days to respond to an email; I sometimes get a lot and it just got buried but I wasn’t ignoring it on purpose and he pretty much told me other ppl can do this ya know and made me feel like I’m not valued in the workplace at all. I’m 23 and already so stressed and overwhelmed by the ridiculous…

I’m a recent college grad working in the graphic design field and I’m honestly so miserable at this place. My hours have been cut since Christmas and I’m not allowed to do full time anymore cause “my sales are low” even tho my orders have been picking up a lot since the holidays are over. I’ve had to use my credit card a lot to buy basic things like food and gas. Today, my boss wanted to have a talk with me because a customer complained that I took two days to respond to an email; I sometimes get a lot and it just got buried but I wasn’t ignoring it on purpose and he pretty much told me other ppl can do this ya know and made me feel like I’m not valued in the workplace at all. I’m 23 and already so stressed and overwhelmed by the ridiculous standards of the American workplace. It just feels so hopeless sometimes. Just wanted to rant

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