
My boss told me she decides when I can eat

My boss is actually insane. I work at a busy restaurant and last night I asked the chef if I could steal a couple chips (we are allowed to have them we just have to ask first). He replied of course and gave me a bowl. I literally am on my second chip when my manager comes in and zooms towards me. Her- “Did you pay for those?” Me- “well I asked the chef and he said that I could have some” Her- “you dont ask him if you can eat. You ask me.” I looked at her super confused because the rule here is like every other restaurant- you need to ask the kitchen if you can order food. If they are too busy they say no, but of course everyone always makes sure to ask at the right time. She saw my confusion. Her- “well I mean you…

My boss is actually insane. I work at a busy restaurant and last night I asked the chef if I could steal a couple chips (we are allowed to have them we just have to ask first). He replied of course and gave me a bowl. I literally am on my second chip when my manager comes in and zooms towards me.
Her- “Did you pay for those?”
Me- “well I asked the chef and he said that I could have some”
Her- “you dont ask him if you can eat. You ask me.”
I looked at her super confused because the rule here is like every other restaurant- you need to ask the kitchen if you can order food. If they are too busy they say no, but of course everyone always makes sure to ask at the right time. She saw my confusion.
Her- “well I mean you DO need to ask them but they aren’t in charge of you, I am. Also you cannot eat food in the kitchen thats a health code violation”
Me- “where should I eat then? In the back?”
Her- “Nope. Cant eat there either”
At this point I wasn’t even mad, I was honestly just trying not to laugh because I only wanted like 5 chips.
Her- “ next time you need to come to me and say ‘hey, im really hungry and i really want to eat some chips right now’, and if im feeling nice i’ll say go eat them in the office. Go eat them in the office.”
I go to the office and eat like 2 chips before I go back to my tables. One of my tables that had been sending back everything because they wanted a free meal sent back another plate. I bring it back and she questions me and says they sent it back because I wasn’t doing my job and was wasting my time in the kitchen eating chips. I was literally in the kitchen for 5 minutes because she was lecturing me the whole time, whereas if would have taken like 30 seconds the first time. The chef came up to me later and apologized. He said he was sorry she acted like that and he had no idea why she was so mad.
Also I’d like to clarify that im 25 with a bachelors degree. I serve because I am good at it and make good money, but after thinking about it Im either quitting tonight or just not showing up for my shift tonight. I wasnt mad in the moment, just surprised. But now I’m upset the more that I think about it. I can find a job anywhere else and I feel like im above being treated like this. Am I overreacting?

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