
My boss told me to stop it with the “team spirit”

So our workplace is very no moral as you can say. I decided to build some team spirit. I got motivation quotes, starting talking to the team about how we are doing a goodjob, and just being over all positive. It was working. I even brought coffee machine for everyone and everyone is so happy using it and just more joyful. I also made cookies for the team. Well a month later my boss called me in the office and starts telling me I need to stop doing these things as we need to remember our place here. He says “you are making people think this is a hotel, its a place of work” I shocked to hear this. I told my boss so you are telling me that basically to stop spreading joy in the team? His reply was even more shocking.. “what I am saying to you is…

So our workplace is very no moral as you can say. I decided to build some team spirit.

I got motivation quotes, starting talking to the team about how we are doing a goodjob, and just being over all positive. It was working. I even brought coffee machine for everyone and everyone is so happy using it and just more joyful. I also made cookies for the team.

Well a month later my boss called me in the office and starts telling me I need to stop doing these things as we need to remember our place here. He says “you are making people think this is a hotel, its a place of work” I shocked to hear this. I told my boss so you are telling me that basically to stop spreading joy in the team? His reply was even more shocking.. “what I am saying to you is no one actually matters here, were all replaceable, and thats what I want the team to understand, we come we work and we go home. Now please stop with these motivation and pastries and please remove the coffee machine, we do not want our employees getting the idea that this is a “fun place” its a place of work.

I just left his office, I could not even believe people like this exist.

I already know last week he was already mad at me when he saw me doing crypto trading my phone, he had told me “trying to get rich and leave us behind in the dirt? Not on company time” I told him im on my lunch break.

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