
My boss took somewhat inappropriate photos of the female staff

I guess I just want more opinions on this and what to do. I’ve had so many issues with my work from workers comp issues to sexual harassment. Basically one of our bosses (who is rude and comes off a bit creepy to the girls) decided that our uniforms needed to be tucked into our pants- totally fine and understandable. But our work shirts are short and we are servers so when we bend over or are running around it comes untucked, I wasn’t even told we needed them to be tucked in. Well he decided to take photos and videos of not only mine but some of the underage servers backsides closely aimed at their butt specifically. Instead of telling us hey please tuck in your shirt he sent these photos out to higher ups complaining. Not only did a few servers see this but I caught him taking…

I guess I just want more opinions on this and what to do. I’ve had so many issues with my work from workers comp issues to sexual harassment. Basically one of our bosses (who is rude and comes off a bit creepy to the girls) decided that our uniforms needed to be tucked into our pants- totally fine and understandable. But our work shirts are short and we are servers so when we bend over or are running around it comes untucked, I wasn’t even told we needed them to be tucked in. Well he decided to take photos and videos of not only mine but some of the underage servers backsides closely aimed at their butt specifically. Instead of telling us hey please tuck in your shirt he sent these photos out to higher ups complaining. Not only did a few servers see this but I caught him taking the photo of me as well and it was on his personal phone. Our boss told us that he was wrong for this but that he signs our paychecks and there’s not much we can do. I’m very uncomfortable with this creepy old man having a close up of my butt in his phone. I just want to see if we are overreacting or justified in feeling uncomfortable and reporting it.

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