
My boss traumatized me

I worked at a- and a will gladly say it due to what I faced- Walgreens. The store manager was an older female who LOVED the male workers more than female. Females get shat on -even if manager- and makes are sung to like angels. I had no problem with the guys so it was whatever- but man- the person who took care of the major problems like sexual harassment calls on the phone was the assistant store manager- she was an angel. I one time had an anxiety and after that I was treated worse by the big boss. She did not trust me and made sure I would only stay up front as a cashier. If she could had fired me she would, but firing someone based on a disability factor was illegal. Ask anyone about that store location and they all give the same bad reaction. I…

I worked at a- and a will gladly say it due to what I faced- Walgreens. The store manager was an older female who LOVED the male workers more than female. Females get shat on -even if manager- and makes are sung to like angels. I had no problem with the guys so it was whatever- but man- the person who took care of the major problems like sexual harassment calls on the phone was the assistant store manager- she was an angel. I one time had an anxiety and after that I was treated worse by the big boss. She did not trust me and made sure I would only stay up front as a cashier. If she could had fired me she would, but firing someone based on a disability factor was illegal. Ask anyone about that store location and they all give the same bad reaction. I should have called HR but when you feel as though you are bug being pressured- your mind is elsewhere. All people quit in same way due to mistreatment- turned in letter and left that day. This literally happened every 3 months. I deserve my payback- didn’t want to ever a job after that. I would after awhile but she needs to pay not just me but the others who were targets as well.

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