
My boss wants me to drive 6 miles to another store to pick up chopsticks (I won’t get compensated) and expects me to leave early also so that I’m not late

I work in fast food. Who fucking CARES if we have chopsticks? I also live 30 minutes from work so I'd have to leave like an hour and 15 minutes before I normally do because of the traffic n shit. (6 miles in the city is like 20 minutes of driving) I haven't responded yet so I'm probably just going to lie and say sorry I didn't see your text until it was too late or something

I work in fast food. Who fucking CARES if we have chopsticks? I also live 30 minutes from work so I'd have to leave like an hour and 15 minutes before I normally do because of the traffic n shit. (6 miles in the city is like 20 minutes of driving)

I haven't responded yet so I'm probably just going to lie and say sorry I didn't see your text until it was too late or something

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