
My boss wants our team to include her on every email we send, is that normal?

I’ve been in the corporate world for over 20 years but with my current company for 1 year. My boss insists on including her and our team on and she also wants us to reply all on everything. It’s that the norm now? I have over 1k unread emails that are majority “thank you” responses. And the boss will say she can barely catch up to her emails but still wants us all to cc her. She’s pulled me aside and talked to me about a couple emails she was left off on already. I’m baffled and gives me anxiety. Micromanaging much? How do I fix this?

I’ve been in the corporate world for over 20 years but with my current company for 1 year. My boss insists on including her and our team on and she also wants us to reply all on everything. It’s that the norm now? I have over 1k unread emails that are majority “thank you” responses. And the boss will say she can barely catch up to her emails but still wants us all to cc her. She’s pulled me aside and talked to me about a couple emails she was left off on already. I’m baffled and gives me anxiety. Micromanaging much? How do I fix this?

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