
my boss who made me come in and triple because “she didnt sleep good” isn’t letting me call out sick because I can’t find coverage.

I completely messed up my ankle; I sprained it working a triple on the same day my boss called out because she “didn't sleep good” (I saw the text myself, as the leads are also done with her shit and tell me everything.) I managed to get through my two shifts, and had to call someone to pick me up. This morning I twisted it wrong limping around, and going up and down my steep stairs; so I took the initiative to try and find coverage – the thing is we use an app to communicate that is completely broken and I have coworkers who are very much watch from afar as others suffer. My boss, instead of doing her job and helping me find coverage or letting me take my WELL EARNED sick time, (I've only called out sick one other time in my near year time here), she…

I completely messed up my ankle; I sprained it working a triple on the same day my boss called out because she “didn't sleep good” (I saw the text myself, as the leads are also done with her shit and tell me everything.) I managed to get through my two shifts, and had to call someone to pick me up. This morning I twisted it wrong limping around, and going up and down my steep stairs; so I took the initiative to try and find coverage – the thing is we use an app to communicate that is completely broken and I have coworkers who are very much watch from afar as others suffer. My boss, instead of doing her job and helping me find coverage or letting me take my WELL EARNED sick time, (I've only called out sick one other time in my near year time here), she told me “if you can't find coverage you have to go to a doctor.” first off, I don't have a doctor currently due to my insurance being difficult; and secondly; she has not once provided a doctors note or any of the hoops she's made us jump through to the staff or our GM when calling out. This is not the first time one of us has been severely hurt and been denied sick time or a break (besides her and her favorites.) I'm so tempted to just quit; as this is not the only shit they have done – its just the straw that's breaking my back. I already have a write up for a “no call, no show even though I explained it was an emergency, and I did infact call. I dare them to fire me at this point, since I'm one of the only people willing to put up with this shit; and one of the few who actually works dinner consistently and shows up.

Update: thankfully one of my coworkers is covering for me; and I'm searching for coverage on Wednesday so I'll have at least 3 days of rest before I have to deal with more bs.

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