
My boss won’t let me call out

I have an autoimmune disease and even though it’s mostly controlled I still get sick maybe 3-4x out of the year. I work as an office manager/receptionist for a small doctors office (just me, MD, and NP) and she never lets me call out when sick. When I want to take any vacation days I have to find my own coverage. Today I’ve completely lost my voice, my throat is on fire, it hurts to swallow water or eat, I’m super stuffy and so fatigued. She tells me she’ll prescribe a short steroid pack and to work from home. I would quit but I have zero savings, literally 1 missed paycheck from being on the street, and I’d lose my insurance which I need for my autoimmune meds. I’m stuck and I fucking hate this feeling.

I have an autoimmune disease and even though it’s mostly controlled I still get sick maybe 3-4x out of the year. I work as an office manager/receptionist for a small doctors office (just me, MD, and NP) and she never lets me call out when sick. When I want to take any vacation days I have to find my own coverage.

Today I’ve completely lost my voice, my throat is on fire, it hurts to swallow water or eat, I’m super stuffy and so fatigued.

She tells me she’ll prescribe a short steroid pack and to work from home. I would quit but I have zero savings, literally 1 missed paycheck from being on the street, and I’d lose my insurance which I need for my autoimmune meds.

I’m stuck and I fucking hate this feeling.

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