
My boss yelled at me once so I quit on the spot and found a better job

The last couple months I've been working as a stock keeper at a small factory. I had a small warehouse that I had to organize regularly, as well as ordering supplies and operating a forklift from time to time. The job was pretty difficult and in a dirty environment but I kept on as I needed the money and it's the first stable job that I had. During my time there I reorganized the whole warehouse physically by myself, and also implemented an inventory management system – app and website – that makes my job way easier and could possibly benefit the factory a lot. The manager that hired me was a good guy, respected me and supported my decisions and ideas, but he was fired by the owners not long ago and replaced temporarily by someone else from the company. For some reason the new temporary boss was really…

The last couple months I've been working as a stock keeper at a small factory. I had a small warehouse that I had to organize regularly, as well as ordering supplies and operating a forklift from time to time. The job was pretty difficult and in a dirty environment but I kept on as I needed the money and it's the first stable job that I had.

During my time there I reorganized the whole warehouse physically by myself, and also implemented an inventory management system – app and website – that makes my job way easier and could possibly benefit the factory a lot. The manager that hired me was a good guy, respected me and supported my decisions and ideas, but he was fired by the owners not long ago and replaced temporarily by someone else from the company.

For some reason the new temporary boss was really bothered by this app I've been using. He told me I can't use my third party apps to work (the app is from a well known company), that it's a security risk (which is BS) and that I need to manage inventory using the company app (which is an badly designed, cluttered train wreck meant for accounting – not inventory management). After some convincing on my part he let me keep using it as I explained I've been relying on it for a while and assured him there's no security risks in it.

Fast forward to a week ago and I'm having a little discussion with his assistant about paperwork. She wants me to print some receipts so she can scan them to the the computer, I'm trying to explain to her that I can just email them to her as I have everything on the cloud, and I don't have a printer at my station. And here comes the manager through the door, sees us talking and starts aggressively spewing to me that I don't make the rules here and I need to do as I'm told. I am trying to keep a calm demeanor, he walks into his office, the assistant sees that my expression is sour and asks me what's wrong. As I'm telling her that I feel like they're dragging me into unneeded bureaucracy even though I have everything organized for them, the boss slams his door open and starts yelling at me to come into his office at once.

He starts shouting at me, telling me I need to know my place and that I don't make the rules here. I told him that all this yelling is out of place and unnecessary as we are both grown-ups, and he responded by saying “only one of us is a grown up”. He then added that he's sick of me causing him trouble and that soon he's gonna make me use this company app, and if I have a problem the door is right there. Mind you the factory is missing workers and I'm one of the key workers there.

I thought about it for a second and realized that I don't have to tolerate this kind of behavior even once. I said “okay”, put my keys and card on his desk and walked out. He seemed in complete shock. I left the factory and immediately started looking for a job, and using the inventory app I implemented as proof for my organizational skills, I just secured a job closer to home, shorter hours, way better working conditions and higher pay. All thanks to this subreddit and the attitude I acquired by reading other people's stories here. Yes I am still gonna be working hard but it feels good knowing I can control my circumstances to some extent and I absolutely do not have to tolerate disrespect from anyone. Thanks for reading!

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