
My CEO and a consultant are trying to mansplain my area of expertise to me

A little background to start: I regretfully started working at this complete disaster of a company a few months ago. I have a decade of experience in my field and a huge track record of success. I've managed teams, built revenue engines, and backed it all up with data. Since I've been here, this company has been a mess. Micromanagement is rampant, unqualified people are running the company, we've already seen a huge layoff (including my boss), teams are too siloed, technology doesn't work, and half the people are incompetent (although my team is mostly great). Today a received a book in the mail from my CEO with a note asking me to read it. It was “written” by a former C-level consultant we're apparently working with (most likely ghost-written). The book basically equates to [My Field] for Dummies. I've literally helped ghost write a book that's an identical concept…

A little background to start:

I regretfully started working at this complete disaster of a company a few months ago.

I have a decade of experience in my field and a huge track record of success. I've managed teams, built revenue engines, and backed it all up with data.

Since I've been here, this company has been a mess. Micromanagement is rampant, unqualified people are running the company, we've already seen a huge layoff (including my boss), teams are too siloed, technology doesn't work, and half the people are incompetent (although my team is mostly great).

Today a received a book in the mail from my CEO with a note asking me to read it. It was “written” by a former C-level consultant we're apparently working with (most likely ghost-written). The book basically equates to [My Field] for Dummies. I've literally helped ghost write a book that's an identical concept for a former boss.

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