
My city broke records for homeless shelter usage last winter, yet we have the country’s second lowest unemployment rate.

Panhandling is more rampant than I've ever seen in my life. Homeless camps that never existed before are sprouting up. Something is seriously wrong with this country in terms of job security, wages, and housing costs if one of the best cities to live in is still having an epidemic of homelessness. Take action, if your workplace doesn't have a union yet, find resources to start one, because everyone's long-term livelihood is at stake. Don't sacrifice yourself for temporary security anymore.

Panhandling is more rampant than I've ever seen in my life. Homeless camps that never existed before are sprouting up.

Something is seriously wrong with this country in terms of job security, wages, and housing costs if one of the best cities to live in is still having an epidemic of homelessness.

Take action, if your workplace doesn't have a union yet, find resources to start one, because everyone's long-term livelihood is at stake. Don't sacrifice yourself for temporary security anymore.

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