
My Colleague Died At Their Desk This Week.

This happened a few days ago. A co-worker had a medical emergency at work, collapsed out of their chair and died on the floor in the middle of the work day. While this is distressing and horrific enough to see, what's infuriating for me is that the company barely even stopped the work that was going on. They kept everyone working, with the exception of the immediate people dealing with the emergency, until they absolutely had to move people because EMTs needed to move the person. This person collapsed and died on shift, and my employers treated it like the person was an obstacle to be cleared so that work could continue. I don't work for a tiny company. I work for a fairly large, “Progressive” corporation that acts like it loves its employees. I knew it was an act before this, but seeing this situation really proves to me…

This happened a few days ago. A co-worker had a medical emergency at work, collapsed out of their chair and died on the floor in the middle of the work day.

While this is distressing and horrific enough to see, what's infuriating for me is that the company barely even stopped the work that was going on. They kept everyone working, with the exception of the immediate people dealing with the emergency, until they absolutely had to move people because EMTs needed to move the person.

This person collapsed and died on shift, and my employers treated it like the person was an obstacle to be cleared so that work could continue.

I don't work for a tiny company. I work for a fairly large, “Progressive” corporation that acts like it loves its employees. I knew it was an act before this, but seeing this situation really proves to me how little we matter.

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