
My colleagues feel the same way about work with me!

I was a bit surprised today during a meeting. We got to have our own separate chat on teams and did a video call and just talked for a bit about phone calls we take. When I heard a couple of my teammates talking about how they struggle with our script we use and trying to help angry customers, I was so relieved knowing I wasn't the only one. Basically how our script goes is we introduce ourselves and verify the person and then we go into what they need help with, easy enough. The tough part is doing what they call a three part acknowledgement. For example: “Absolutely! I'd be more than happy to help you with (issue). I will just need to do some further research on your account to better assist you.” Or something along those lines. Basically we use a power word, reinstated what they needed…

I was a bit surprised today during a meeting. We got to have our own separate chat on teams and did a video call and just talked for a bit about phone calls we take. When I heard a couple of my teammates talking about how they struggle with our script we use and trying to help angry customers, I was so relieved knowing I wasn't the only one.

Basically how our script goes is we introduce ourselves and verify the person and then we go into what they need help with, easy enough. The tough part is doing what they call a three part acknowledgement. For example: “Absolutely! I'd be more than happy to help you with (issue). I will just need to do some further research on your account to better assist you.” Or something along those lines. Basically we use a power word, reinstated what they needed done and our action statement (what we'll do to fix it).

We also need to appreciate/validate the customer so thanking them for taking the time to call or say that we understand why they're frustrated, etc. All while looking for our answers and what procedures or compliance we need to follow, it's a shit show.

Our quality assurance team is VERY nitpicky about when we don't do these things or even forget to and it essentially gives us markdowns or bad scores. Currently I'm on a final written warning for this bullshit and I feel like I just don't want to care anymore but I also don't want to lose my job because bills.

I at least feel relieved because even my colleagues who get perfect scores have this happen to them and one coworker said she has a lot of absences due to this, as do I. It's extremely frustrating and even when I or others bring this up in meetings, our lead says she'll take our feedback but the higher ups obviously don't give any shits. I actually like this job and the generous benefits they have but it's still getting more difficult to come to work with so much expectations.

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