
My company is having a yearly conference where every day is 7 hours of presentations (9-5) followed by mandatory social events (5-9+). This is for 5 days straight. I want to kms.

I work remote year round. Am a big introvert, only have one or two calls a day that are one-on-one, so this is a great setup. I like my job a lot, the pay is good, and I have a good boss. However, once a year my company has everyone come into the office for a whole work week to watch presentations on the state of the business, business goals, etc. And it is literally an introverts nightmare and I almost want to quit. I have to wake up an hour earlier than I’m use to to shower, get dressed + groomed, to sit through presentation after presentation with just small breaks here and there. I don’t really know anyone since I’m remote so I don’t have friends (which I don’t really gaf about but it sucks when in person). I’m already drained as shit as it is, but then…

I work remote year round. Am a big introvert, only have one or two calls a day that are one-on-one, so this is a great setup. I like my job a lot, the pay is good, and I have a good boss.

However, once a year my company has everyone come into the office for a whole work week to watch presentations on the state of the business, business goals, etc. And it is literally an introverts nightmare and I almost want to quit.

I have to wake up an hour earlier than I’m use to to shower, get dressed + groomed, to sit through presentation after presentation with just small breaks here and there. I don’t really know anyone since I’m remote so I don’t have friends (which I don’t really gaf about but it sucks when in person).

I’m already drained as shit as it is, but then we have social events that we’re all expected to go to after hours which is pretty much just eating at a restaurant and getting drinks and chatting for hours. So basically from 7:30 am in the morning to at minimum 9 pm at night I’m “on”. This past night went until 11:00 PM. Every. Single. Day.

Also, and some would say this is a pro, but my company caters like crazy with a bunch of junk food. I’ve been trying to lose weight and I’ve been successful but this is not helping. I also have no energy at all to go to the gym or do cardio. I also have a bit of social anxiety so whenever alcohol is present I’ll usually drink it to ease my nerves so I’ve drank at least 2-3 drinks every night which I rarely do and it’s really getting to me.

It’s also been shit for my confidence because I feel so socially awkward and out of place since everyone is a lot older than I am, already has their own friends, and are generally very different people than I am with different hobbies/interests. I feel judged for not being as social and outgoing as everyone else and it’s really taking a blow on my confidence.

I’ve barely had any time to see my girlfriend either which is making me sad and her sad as well.

I’m just praying this week will end. This shit sucks so fucking hard. Fuck this.

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