
my company might cut jobs and ask for a “workload” report.

Hi, i am worried that my company might cut jobs. I am in a department with only 3 employees; it might hit 1 of us. I'm the newest one (since september 2022). Today, they asked for a workload report; which employee handles how many cases per day. The problem is that our supervisor did not ask us seperately, she asked the one that has been in the company the longest to answer for all of us. So, the one employee who answered said she did most of the work and the remaining 2 of us about the same. In reality, I do 50%, she does 20% and the 3rd one 30%. The one that did the report should already be retired but she stays for a little longer (withdrew her retirement) because her 401k dropped a lot. Is there a way to let the manager of the location know that…

Hi, i am worried that my company might cut jobs. I am in a department with only 3 employees; it might hit 1 of us. I'm the newest one (since september 2022). Today, they asked for a workload report; which employee handles how many cases per day. The problem is that our supervisor did not ask us seperately, she asked the one that has been in the company the longest to answer for all of us. So, the one employee who answered said she did most of the work and the remaining 2 of us about the same. In reality, I do 50%, she does 20% and the 3rd one 30%. The one that did the report should already be retired but she stays for a little longer (withdrew her retirement) because her 401k dropped a lot. Is there a way to let the manager of the location know that I do most of the work (can be proven with the refund sheet because i made >50% of all entries since october)? I don't want to cause any problems, but I also don't want to lose that job. The company isn't super efficient so i worry that they won't be able to figure out that i am the most productive employee in our department.

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