
my coworker hates me

Hi, my name is Emily and I am 24 years old. So I work at Lowes, in the indoor lawn and garden department. My coworker, Nancy, has been a bitch to me ever since I started over a year ago. She is a bit older, probably in her late 50s or 60s. She is constantly rude and negative all the time, finds a reason to yell at me or make me feel like I am doing something wrong. She tries to create drama and will talk about me behind my back to our coworkers. She tries to make my life at work a living hell. So lowes gives its workers a work cell phone that we can use at work, we can't take it home or even keep it in our lockers. Its called a Zebra. We use it to scan items, look up products, print labels, stuff like that.…

Hi, my name is Emily and I am 24 years old. So I work at Lowes, in the indoor lawn and garden department. My coworker, Nancy, has been a bitch to me ever since I started over a year ago. She is a bit older, probably in her late 50s or 60s. She is constantly rude and negative all the time, finds a reason to yell at me or make me feel like I am doing something wrong. She tries to create drama and will talk about me behind my back to our coworkers. She tries to make my life at work a living hell.

So lowes gives its workers a work cell phone that we can use at work, we can't take it home or even keep it in our lockers. Its called a Zebra. We use it to scan items, look up products, print labels, stuff like that. There is a charging station for them in the training room that is full of computers that we use to clock in, request time off and receive/send emails. These zebras are like an endargered species, there is not enough of them so not ever worker can get one every day. We are suppose to pass off the Zebras to another coworker in our department at the end of our shift. Nancy NEVER gives me her Zebra when we clocks out. She either gives it to someone else in our department, or if I am the only other person working she will put it back on the charging station. It pisses me off because having that Zebra helps out A LOT. It makes our job a lot easier and Nancy knows that. She is doing it on purpose to make my shift harder than it has to be. One time I asked her if she could give me her zebra before she clocked out, she said sure and that she would come to me before she clocks out. Of course she didnt even try to look for me and just put it on the charger. Pissed me off so much. So lately I have been following her to the charging station to grab it off the charger since she wants to be such a bitch. I literally think the term “Negative Nancy” is because of her. Nancy is the level above Karen. She is that bad.

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