
My Coworker snitched to my manager that I was looking for a new job

TL;DR: one of my coworkers overheard a conversation with my parents when I thought I was alone and mentioned that I have an interview on Friday for a new job. During a performance review my manager interrogated me trying to make me admit that I was looking for a new job and was planning on leaving. At the end of the conversation she said that if I was planning on leaving she wants a minimum of two months notice. So I started this job in January and today I had a 90 day eval (for those realizing that I should of had my 90 day eval in April, my boss was on medical leave for a while and delayed the eval), and during the meeting she was basically interrogating me and asking leading questions as if she was trying to get me to admit that I was looking for a…

TL;DR: one of my coworkers overheard a conversation with my parents when I thought I was alone and mentioned that I have an interview on Friday for a new job. During a performance review my manager interrogated me trying to make me admit that I was looking for a new job and was planning on leaving. At the end of the conversation she said that if I was planning on leaving she wants a minimum of two months notice.

So I started this job in January and today I had a 90 day eval (for those realizing that I should of had my 90 day eval in April, my boss was on medical leave for a while and delayed the eval), and during the meeting she was basically interrogating me and asking leading questions as if she was trying to get me to admit that I was looking for a job, which I was but I didn’t want her to know that. At the end of the conversation she flat out asked me if I was looking for another job and I panicked and said no. Then she said that if I do plan on leaving, she wants a MINIMUM OF TWO MONTHS NOTICE.

After the meeting I realized that it was my coworker who must have told my boss that I was looking for a new job because Monday morning at 7:30 when the office was empty I was on the phone with one of my parents and mentioned that I have a interview on Friday for a new job, and of course at that moment, I hear someone walk into the office.

Now I am anxious and frustrated and the thought of even giving two weeks notice makes me physically tremble because I can’t imagine what the dynamic is going to be at work. The thought makes my chest hurt and my stomach upset.

What should I do? Should I just give her two weeks notice if I get a new job?

P.S. I live in Illinois which is an at-will employment state

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