
My coworker started calling me bitch today.

Friday night I went to work as an on site manager for a temp company it’s on an app but I have only started April 6th and it’s my first leadership position. I was super nervous I wear a full suit and haven’t taken it off since I’ve started. I have two other on site managers who have been doing other jobs and have been working for this company and companies like these for years. They are doctors or very close to being them in different practices and I feel dumb because I’m a two time drop out still finishing my political science degree. Anyways. They became a clique on Friday making me do all the work while they make jokes and sit around our entire shift. I feel like I’m being an idiot just trying to do my job right. Coworker 1 kept bringing up right wing politics and…

Friday night I went to work as an on site manager for a temp company it’s on an app but I have only started April 6th and it’s my first leadership position. I was super nervous I wear a full suit and haven’t taken it off since I’ve started. I have two other on site managers who have been doing other jobs and have been working for this company and companies like these for years. They are doctors or very close to being them in different practices and I feel dumb because I’m a two time drop out still finishing my political science degree. Anyways. They became a clique on Friday making me do all the work while they make jokes and sit around our entire shift. I feel like I’m being an idiot just trying to do my job right.
Coworker 1 kept bringing up right wing politics and coworker 2 is a trans female to male, identifies as a guy. I felt a lot of pressure and looked stupid quiet honestly. After that they kept talking and I kept doing the actual work again checking everyone out. They would copy my times into a nonsense paper we get with everyone names to know when everyone’s gone so we can go so then coworker 2 asks me someone’s time and gave them the time then they asked if I was sure and I said yeah and I referenced the time with the name to show them how I just double checked and under his breathe he says “okay how like WE taught you” super annoyed like I was trying to teach him. I was going to email our boss about this situation because I was worried he was creating a hostile work environment. I debated it all day. He refused to include my roster with check in and out times in his email report so I sent it before today because I know they’ll ask for it Monday and I felt even THAT was too petty that’s how anxious I’ve been I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. My worst nightmares came true when after a smooth check in and first (and only) walk through of everyone’s stands we sat down to have lunch when we finished and we move he says it jokingly like a gay man would I guess he tried to make it casual. I don’t even remember what led to it because it was super boring today we only talked about work and nothing else I just know I want throw up thinking about it… I already felt like such a loser nerd but this person says “yeah let’s go bitch” or “grab ur stuff bitch” and I was in SHOCK. Paart 1

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