
My coworkers are bullies. One of them lied about the hours she worked. Should I tell my boss or no?

burner account cause I’m a bitch and anxious af they might see this. I am so beyond miserable at this job. I gave my two weeks notice and honestly can’t wait to leave. My two coworkers are bullies and both are either super bossy and passive aggressive towards me or fake nice which almost hurts just as bad. They fuck off all day so I’m the one who does most of the work. They purposely leave me all the shitty tasks to do. I’ve never had a job I’ve been bossed around so much. One of them showed up an hour late (on a Sunday, pay rate shifts to $38/hr) because she was so hungover she slept thru her alarm. She was useless all day and got to do all the easy tasks cause the other one “felt bad cause she didn’t feel good” but when it came time to…

burner account cause I’m a bitch and anxious af they might see this. I am so beyond miserable at this job. I gave my two weeks notice and honestly can’t wait to leave. My two coworkers are bullies and both are either super bossy and passive aggressive towards me or fake nice which almost hurts just as bad. They fuck off all day so I’m the one who does most of the work. They purposely leave me all the shitty tasks to do. I’ve never had a job I’ve been bossed around so much. One of them showed up an hour late (on a Sunday, pay rate shifts to $38/hr) because she was so hungover she slept thru her alarm. She was useless all day and got to do all the easy tasks cause the other one “felt bad cause she didn’t feel good” but when it came time to write our times for the day she wrote down that she started at the normal start time, not as hour later like she actually showed up. I’m livid, I was 15 mins late that day and so I wrote that for my time in. I worked 45 minutes more than her and she got paid more than me for doing basically nothing all day!!! Should I tell my boss or not worth it? I’m sure they would harass the fuck out of me the last week I am here if I do tell our boss. I’m leaving out heaps of details and other things but I don’t want to make it too obvious in case they actually follow this subreddit

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