
My current position is posted on Indeed

I spend most of my day scheduling and once in a while I’ll have to check the general email that my boss and I both use if I need to receive extra paperwork from clients. I go and check it today, and people are applying for my job. I go on indeed and low and behold, my job is posted. My boss has not said anything about this. Whether or not I’m getting an assistant myself (I’m in a management position and could use a hand), if I’m getting canned, or getting promoted? I’m confused why she wouldn’t have discussed this with me before posting the job. I’m kind of planning on confronting her tomorrow, but part of me also wants to wait for her to admit it, and another part of me wants to send her my resume for the position wish me luck that I still have a…

I spend most of my day scheduling and once in a while I’ll have to check the general email that my boss and I both use if I need to receive extra paperwork from clients. I go and check it today, and people are applying for my job. I go on indeed and low and behold, my job is posted. My boss has not said anything about this. Whether or not I’m getting an assistant myself (I’m in a management position and could use a hand), if I’m getting canned, or getting promoted? I’m confused why she wouldn’t have discussed this with me before posting the job. I’m kind of planning on confronting her tomorrow, but part of me also wants to wait for her to admit it, and another part of me wants to send her my resume for the position wish me luck that I still have a job tomorrow, or don’t because working sucks anyway.

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