
My employer hasn’t sent insurance cards after almost 4 months

I've been paying $100/paycheck for insurance I can't use because my employer hasn't sent in the insurance cards. It's not just me as well, I've asked my coworkers and they said they haven't gotten theirs yet either. My manager said “corporate is working on it” and not much else. It's getting frustrating because I've been really needing to see an optometrist and probably a GP as well. I know that I have the coverage because when I went to pick up a prescription at CVS they said I had insurance, but as far as I know I can't see an actually doctor without an insurance card. Is there anything I can do?

I've been paying $100/paycheck for insurance I can't use because my employer hasn't sent in the insurance cards. It's not just me as well, I've asked my coworkers and they said they haven't gotten theirs yet either. My manager said “corporate is working on it” and not much else.

It's getting frustrating because I've been really needing to see an optometrist and probably a GP as well. I know that I have the coverage because when I went to pick up a prescription at CVS they said I had insurance, but as far as I know I can't see an actually doctor without an insurance card. Is there anything I can do?

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