
My employer is refusing to give salary or clearance form when I went to their office at their preferred scheduled time.

I visited their office, at their preferred time, to sign the clearance form physically in their office premises just as they had requested, however, I was told to discuss the matter with their lawyers. The two lawyers had several negative things to say and claimed that I had violated multiple rules of the company, they also wanted all cellphones switched off in the room so that I or anyone else does not record, however, they kept their phones and laptop the whole time, along with their cameras on the walls that record conversations, so I had my phone record the meeting as well secretly as I knew they would be saying wrong things. The following is what the company Claims I have violated through their lawyers: 1) The company claims that they have never received my documents such as my CNIC, two passport-size photographs, an Experience Letter from the previous…

I visited their office, at their preferred time, to sign the clearance form physically in their office premises just as they had requested, however, I was told to discuss the matter with their lawyers.

The two lawyers had several negative things to say and claimed that I had violated multiple rules of the company, they also wanted all cellphones switched off in the room so that I or anyone else does not record, however, they kept their phones and laptop the whole time, along with their cameras on the walls that record conversations, so I had my phone record the meeting as well secretly as I knew they would be saying wrong things.

The following is what the company Claims I have violated through their lawyers:

1) The company claims that they have never received my documents such as my CNIC, two passport-size photographs, an Experience Letter from the previous company, or a MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE (Nikkah Nama). They said that I had received multiple reminders verbally, and once through e-mail a couple of months ago, and, thus, do not understand this negligence from me, especially considering that I was employed in a “Senior Managerial Role”.

  • My Response: I told them that this is the first time I am hearing of this, I do not understand where this is coming from, and if the company thought this was a severe violation, then I do not understand why I continuously received my salaries for all those previous months and that I am sure that I had submitted the required documents at the time of employment.

2) The company then told me that I had been in meetings where I was not authorized to enter, nor invited to, which is another violation of the company.

  • My Response: I asked them whether I needed to call a lawyer to continue this discussion and whether a case was filled legally, and, that I have never done such a thing, as I am the one dealing with all existing and new clients and have gotten testimonial videos as well of them. I told them that if I were to do such a thing, why have I never received any forms of warnings in any shape or form, and why was a security guard not even called at that point?
  • Company's response: The company said that the matter is considered to be an “Internal Inquiry”, and that the lawyers are only the mediators between me and the company, so, it is not a legal case. Secondly, they said we hear you on the “Unauthorized Meeting Entry” part.

3) The company asked me if I had interacted with any of their employees after I had left, and whether I had told everyone that the company was bad while on the office premises.

  • My Response: I told them that I had received several warm happy wishes from my colleagues, and a lot of grateful messages for being a great colleague through WhatsApp and other forms, and that I had let alone not even come back to the office premises.

4) The company told me that there has been a harassment complaint against you and that they have video evidence of the matter as well which they have reviewed already and believe to be concerning, and as such want me to recall any such incident if it comes to mind by taking deep breaths. They said that the harassment was me giving a girl's arm a push in the conference room during a meeting.

  • My Response: I told them that I do not recall such an event, and that is very shocking to hear because again, I have never received a warning in any shape or form, nobody brought this up despite me being a “Senior Manager” and that, I was continuously paid my salaries for all the previous months, which is very confusing to me, and may also be confusing to a judge in a court.
  • Company's Response: They backtracked on what they originally said, changed their statement only to then say that the girl never filed an official complaint, she just raised her concern regarding this, we don't know what your intentions were but it was concerning thus we shared this with you.

This meeting continued further on, they made a few different claims as well as insulted my lack of professionalism for having done all the above, so I told them that I do not understand where this is coming from, I have their client and employees messaging me on my social media platforms, about how they miss me, and thus, do not understand where all of this is suddenly coming from as an “Internal Inquiry”.

They then softened up their tone, said that I do not seem to be a bad person, but they represent the company and that they won't give me my clearance form unless I deal with their violations, take accountability, and provide the missing documents, a few days from now, as they do not want to take this to court so I told them okay, it was a pleasure meeting them, and that I would come to discuss this again.

Now I tried my absolute best to remain polite, and calm as much as possible because I was not expecting any of this at all, and now do not know what to do. I have canceled a lot of plans, and have been unable to eat or sleep due to this overbearing stress, and my family is stressed out as well. I do not even know if what they did was legal as well. I need a legal advisor or a lawyer and just want my salary. I have all of the conversations recorded on video, and one of the lawyer's faces was very clearly recorded. It is recorded from the moment I got out of the car to the end. This is so hurtful.

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