
My employer sinks to a new low (rant)

I work for a multi-national company, but I'm one of the little guys working on the shop floor, so I'm used to being shafted while seeing the head office people get weeks off (paid) during the holiday season, driving company vehicles all the while telling us lowly serfs what to do, whether or not its in our job descriptions. I stick with my job because us serfs look out for each other, cover for each other if and when needed and help each other out where possible. For my part, I get to duck out from time to time, pick my kids up from school and drop them home then return to work, all without clocking out. We make our own benefits around here. Anyway the country I live in (New Zealand) recently had a couple of cyclones and flooding which has led to a few deaths and many, many…

I work for a multi-national company, but I'm one of the little guys working on the shop floor, so I'm used to being shafted while seeing the head office people get weeks off (paid) during the holiday season, driving company vehicles all the while telling us lowly serfs what to do, whether or not its in our job descriptions.
I stick with my job because us serfs look out for each other, cover for each other if and when needed and help each other out where possible. For my part, I get to duck out from time to time, pick my kids up from school and drop them home then return to work, all without clocking out. We make our own benefits around here.
Anyway the country I live in (New Zealand) recently had a couple of cyclones and flooding which has led to a few deaths and many, many people suffering financial loss. Kiwis from all over have donated goods, food, money for the last few weeks (state of emergency declared 14th February).
Fast forward to today (7th March), and my employer (a global giant in their field) has jumped on the bandwagon. But they're not donating from their record profits posted in 2022, no. They want us, on the shop floor, to gather donations on top of the sales we make. FYI, we as a company are not known for having the best prices, so on top of being relatively expensive, we are expected to ask NZers to dip into their OWN pockets and donate to this cause. Where exactly the money is going is unclear. They do not specify in the comms they've sent out to their stores. It's a new low, but it feels so much lower than they've ever been in my estimation.

TL/DR: Company I work for doesn't look after us, made record profits last year but wants us to garner donations from customers for a natural disaster relief fund none of us believe they really care about, instead of dipping into its own pockets to help.

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