
My employer’s nephew is graduating in 6 months and will be possibly replacing me at my job. Boss says I can stay but I don’t believe her. What should I say to her? I’ll say the top comment to this post to my boss.

My employer's nephew is graduating from med school and will possibly be replacing me at my job in 6 months. I asked my employer if she'll be able to keep me on along with her nephew. There's only one position at the company for my job. My employer said, “trust in God. You can stay as long as you want.” I don't really believe her. What should I say to my boss? I will say the most popular comment to my boss.

My employer's nephew is graduating from med school and will possibly be replacing me at my job in 6 months. I asked my employer if she'll be able to keep me on along with her nephew. There's only one position at the company for my job.

My employer said, “trust in God. You can stay as long as you want.”

I don't really believe her. What should I say to my boss? I will say the most popular comment to my boss.

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