
My experience with a shitty store manager

I've had two jobs in my life (currently in College) and both have been under extremely shitty management, however, I wanna focus on the one where the shitty management got their comeuppance. Basically, I worked at a fast food restaurant that wasn't earning enough money. The store manger was very manipulative and eventually screwed his own life over, the shift manager was my best friend. I was going to school full time, and working over 45 hours every week, sometimes coming in for 2-3 hours to close the restaurant after my classes (I enjoyed having some degree of financial control over my life). Long story short, there's this dude I work with who is bad at his job, BUT, he joined the store 2 weeks before I did and was given the shift leader role. Here's the thing, I did EVERYTHING for the store during my 8-12 hour shifts. I…

I've had two jobs in my life (currently in College) and both have been under extremely shitty management, however, I wanna focus on the one where the shitty management got their comeuppance. Basically, I worked at a fast food restaurant that wasn't earning enough money. The store manger was very manipulative and eventually screwed his own life over, the shift manager was my best friend. I was going to school full time, and working over 45 hours every week, sometimes coming in for 2-3 hours to close the restaurant after my classes (I enjoyed having some degree of financial control over my life). Long story short, there's this dude I work with who is bad at his job, BUT, he joined the store 2 weeks before I did and was given the shift leader role. Here's the thing, I did EVERYTHING for the store during my 8-12 hour shifts. I would do cashier work, package food, restock, prep food, clean the kitchen area, fry up food, dish-washing, counting machines, closing, whatever was needed, I did. I even developed carpel tunnel in my wrist, had ankle pain, and my life became work, staying up late with brain fog, trying to do school work, and going to work. Eventually, the shitty store manager made a mistake which lost us some points during a health inspection BUT he blamed my friend WHO WASN'T EVEN IN THE COUNTRY THAT MONTH. Anyways, the straw that broke the camels back was this shitty manager decided to hire one of his old friends who knew how to do fry work. This dude would spend his shift slowly frying chicken, messing up orders, and would never help during closing. However, while I was getting paid minimum wage, this dude got a raise 2 weeks into the joint (this was after I discussed a raise with the shitty manager, who said it wasn't in the budget, and since I was counting the registers, I knew he was right to a certain degree). Anyways, this is where the revenge part comes in. My friend, who was the hardest worker at the store, got annoyed at being blamed for the health inspection deduction, so he and I, along with the dishwasher (who was also one of our pals) walked out of the store during our shift.

Remember how I said the store wasn't earning enough money? Due to mine and my friends customer service (speed and “professionalism”), our store got a reputation for being the only “Good” fast food joint in our town. After we left, a lot of customers stopped coming in due to the lackluster service, and the store went from making profit, to bleeding money again.

The final nail in the coffin, remember that dude who got hired 2 weeks before me and was given shift leader? Yeah turns out he sexually harassed an underage female employee and DIDN'T get fired UNTIL we called the GM and informed him of what was going on (the GM was a good dude and rained a shit-storm on shitty manager). The shitty manager also was having an affair with another married female coworker, and she left after her husband found out. I mean, this shitty manager LITERALLY hugged this girls daughter and shook hands with her husband, and didn't have the morality to NOT HAVE AN AFFAIR WITH HER (shitty manager also had a wife in his home country).

Anyways, now I'm on track to graduate soon with a half decent degree, and knowing that I dealt with all that shit for nearly 2 years whilst only getting paid 20k annually, makes whatever salary I get seem a lot better than it'll probably be.

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