
My Experience with Cognizant

This happened to me a year ago in the summer of 2021, I never talk about my work in public but this instance I am making an exception as it still gets me angry today. In the summer of 2021 I was on the market for a new contract, as a established data architect in Azure the market was thankfully in a very healthy state, surprisingly. It wasn't long before a contract had appeared that seemed to be the perfect fit. The contract would be with Cognizant to work on delivering new real-time data architecture to a high profile client of theirs. In all there were 3 interviews, two with Cognizant and one with the CTO of the client firm. Everything was perfect, the pay was very good, the work was challenging and the fit was a dream. Very quickly I verbally agreed to the contract, however, given the nature…

This happened to me a year ago in the summer of 2021, I never talk about my work in public but this instance I am making an exception as it still gets me angry today.

In the summer of 2021 I was on the market for a new contract, as a established data architect in Azure the market was thankfully in a very healthy state, surprisingly.

It wasn't long before a contract had appeared that seemed to be the perfect fit. The contract would be with Cognizant to work on delivering new real-time data architecture to a high profile client of theirs.

In all there were 3 interviews, two with Cognizant and one with the CTO of the client firm.

Everything was perfect, the pay was very good, the work was challenging and the fit was a dream.

Very quickly I verbally agreed to the contract, however, given the nature of the Clients work, there would have to be significant background checks that would take 2 weeks to complete (2 weeks is incredibly quick actually) this meant a formal contract could not be issued for those two weeks, but I was happy to wait for that start date, I though “I could do with a 2 week break”

This is where everything started to go wrong:

Initially I was asked by cognizant to join a kick off meeting about the project with the client, I was asked over text message but the hiring manage, who then sent a follow up text message confirming I would not be paid for my time. – First red flag

Once I had returned to my office I accepted the meeting request and thought this would be a good non-formal introduction to people who I would be working with, so I had no bad thoughts.

What i quickly began to see is that content relating to the work had already been sent to me hours before receiving the text message asking me to join a meeting, it was clear that Cognizant had confirmed with the client that they could use the resource (me) at the time and to start sending over the required materials.

This was annoying, actually really annoying as I started to sense a very bad work environment due to the language and demeanour of those I was interacting with at cognizant… which is about to get a lot worse.

This unpaid work went well, it was nice to meet the team and see faces of those I would be remotely working with, and some challenges they had raised that needed answers. I was immediately assigned actions from this meeting, which would give me something to think about before my start date.

However… fast forward two days:

Project coordinator from cognizant contacts me via text message again asking if I could join a meeting in 2 hours time to go over the actions (My solutions) with the client.

My response was that I could not join this meeting as I would be making a 2 hour drive at that time and would not be in any way available to speak on a phone. Against better judgement I followed this up by saying: Anytime outside of this 2 hour window is absolutely fine, please reschedule and I will be there.

No Response.

The day goes on, I end up at my destination after the 2 hour drive to see around 15 missed calls on my mobile phone, in equal number from the Cognizant project coordinator and the CTO of the client company himself. I had 3 text messages from the coordinator asking me to join… please join… we are waiting on you…

It was PAINFULLY obvious that Cognizant were selling my time and billing the client whilst not paying me.

As this was a Friday, I would use the weekend to reflect on what occurred in the week, I had a nice track day with my Brother booked at Silverstone UK for us to unwind and get a bit stupid with our cars.

On this track day I could not shake off stress, and it was ruining my experience, until I spoke to my brother about this contract with Cognizant, it was painfully obvious that it was this behaviour from the predatory company that was haunting me. The moment I heard my brother agree that these guys were c####, I made my mind up then and there to halt all proceedings, and I was able to snap out of this weird impending sense of doom.

Come the Monday, I was again hounded by unsolicited phone calls from Cognizant, I did not answer any and simple messaged the recruiting agent saying I will not be signing the contract and to never contact me again.

I stress this is the first and only time I would discuss my work in a public way, and just felt the need to warn people about approaching Cognizant for any form of employment, I can only speak on my own experience, but please tread carefully.

I don't know if I should have done something differently, or if I should have got a legal opinion at the time, but I would like to know what you would do in the same situation

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