A family member who takes care of me works at a restaurant about two days a week. They do this because they already have another full-time job, and this restaurant job is to help pay the bills and help us buy groceries. They've been working this job for about a year. They recently got told that the starting wage was being raised to $12.50 an hour from $11. $11 was the starting wage from when they started last year. The day came around when everyone was getting a raise and they only got a 10 cent raise. They only found out by talking to other co-workers that they make the least amount of money, even though they have been working there for the longest. Even the indeed listing says the minimum is $12.
I want to help them in any way possible, but I don't know what to do. I've recently gotten a job to try and help them get groceries, even though for a few months I struggled to find work due to having a disability and workplaces not being accommodating.
What should we do?