
My father worked himself to death.

My father died last week from unknown causes but likely a heart attack out on his farm. He was young, too young. He was alone in death. For almost 40 years, he was working anywhere from 60-70 hour weeks as a farmer and running machines that make car parts. His company had “mandatory overtime” on Saturdays. He only earned enough to be in a vulnerable position in lower middle class. As a kid, I remember him not being around much and when he was around, he was sleeping or too tired to function or be present. He didn’t have time for his relationships. At the same time, he loved farming and his animals. I found out he had been selling a lot of his animals to downsize and get ready for retirement. Now, he won’t get to retire or rest. Everyone in their grief is praising him for his work…

My father died last week from unknown causes but likely a heart attack out on his farm. He was young, too young. He was alone in death. For almost 40 years, he was working anywhere from 60-70 hour weeks as a farmer and running machines that make car parts. His company had “mandatory overtime” on Saturdays. He only earned enough to be in a vulnerable position in lower middle class. As a kid, I remember him not being around much and when he was around, he was sleeping or too tired to function or be present. He didn’t have time for his relationships. At the same time, he loved farming and his animals. I found out he had been selling a lot of his animals to downsize and get ready for retirement. Now, he won’t get to retire or rest. Everyone in their grief is praising him for his work ethic after it cost us 20+ years with him. I am so angry and alone. Fuck this system. He was a husband, a father, a grandfather who will no longer be around because companies would rather make more profit than care about human life.

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