
My fiance got hit by a car. His boss doesn’t believe him.

My fiance got hit by a car on Tuesday on his way to work. He still showed up and worked for a few hours before he went home even though he was in a lot of pain. His boss refuses to believe it and has said they will be having “a talk” about it. I am so angry on his behalf at this point. Like you guys are short staffed and he's one of your best salesmen. My fiance is looking at other jobs already. They are going to lose him because they can't get their heads out of their asses.

My fiance got hit by a car on Tuesday on his way to work. He still showed up and worked for a few hours before he went home even though he was in a lot of pain. His boss refuses to believe it and has said they will be having “a talk” about it.

I am so angry on his behalf at this point. Like you guys are short staffed and he's one of your best salesmen. My fiance is looking at other jobs already. They are going to lose him because they can't get their heads out of their asses.

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