
My fiancé lost his job under horrible circumstances. How do I support him?

My fiance lost his job after working for a very weird company for 5 months. He worked for a small firm in an even smaller group. He was tossed into things without much training, but he used his experience to get by. There were no formal SOPs, templates, trainings to even assist in his development. This week, after being told 2 weeks prior he needed to “fix a few things on the reports”, he was fired. I’m shocked. 2 weeks before Christmas they fired him for “not working out” without any formal performance plan or PIP. We worked together in a previous job for 4 years. I know how smart and capable he is which makes this even more shocking. How can I support him and help his confidence? Additionally, how do I tell my own family? If, I need to tell them at all. TL;DR My fiancé lost his…

My fiance lost his job after working for a very weird company for 5 months. He worked for a small firm in an even smaller group. He was tossed into things without much training, but he used his experience to get by. There were no formal SOPs, templates, trainings to even assist in his development. This week, after being told 2 weeks prior he needed to “fix a few things on the reports”, he was fired. I’m shocked. 2 weeks before Christmas they fired him for “not working out” without any formal performance plan or PIP. We worked together in a previous job for 4 years. I know how smart and capable he is which makes this even more shocking. How can I support him and help his confidence? Additionally, how do I tell my own family? If, I need to tell them at all.

My fiancé lost his job due to poor performance without even knowing from his from his managers he was performing poorly. How do I support him?

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