
My fiancé unknowingly applied for a pyramid scheme.

I apologise if this is long but I’m pissed and need to rant. My fiancé has always struggled with her mental health issues and has had trouble finding work/holding down a job for ages due to her anxiety. She applied for what seemed like a “marketing job” on with REALLY good pay. Her interview (which she aced) was in a super nice office and the people were really welcoming, she had the impression she was going to be doing digital marketing. I’m going to cut to the chase but she was skeptical from the start as it seemed way too good to be true right, so her first real shift she has to travel with the a member of the company and was dropped off in Salisbury (about 2 hours from where we live) with no map, no lunch or water. She didn’t know she would be doing DOOR…

I apologise if this is long but I’m pissed and need to rant.

My fiancé has always struggled with her mental health issues and has had trouble finding work/holding down a job for ages due to her anxiety. She applied for what seemed like a “marketing job” on with REALLY good pay.

Her interview (which she aced) was in a super nice office and the people were really welcoming, she had the impression she was going to be doing digital marketing.

I’m going to cut to the chase but she was skeptical from the start as it seemed way too good to be true right, so her first real shift she has to travel with the a member of the company and was dropped off in Salisbury (about 2 hours from where we live) with no map, no lunch or water. She didn’t know she would be doing DOOR TO DOOR sales, she made 0 after knocking on 100 doors. She was on her feet for 11 hours, in the freezing cold, the company forgot to pick her up at her finishing time where she had to wait for an extra hour and a half, her phone had died so had no way of contacting anyone.

They finally picked her up at 8:30pm where she then had to travel from the office (after a 2 hour journey back) in the rain freezing cold and soaking wet to get back home with no phone. (Her finishing time is supposed to be 7pm) she got home at 11pm, she hasn’t eaten or drank water all day.

Yes she quit and she’s never going back. I can’t believe a company would take advantage of someone like this.

I’m working now but will find out the company name so people can avoid in the future. Thank you for listening to my rant.

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