
My fiancés boss started automatically deducting 30 mins of time from her check each day without adding to her hours.

My fiancée works full time at as a guest representative 40hrs a week, 8hrs a day. Yesterday her boss told her that she is now going to start automatically deducting 30 minutes a day for all of the employee lunches whether they choose to take it or not. Before, her and her coworkers just ate their lunch when they had downtime. This sucks because that means my fiancée looses 2 and a half hours a week in pay and it brings our total income down a lot. Another dumb part about this is that her boss wants employees to still clock out if they leave the parking lot to go get food and that time won’t be included in the automatic deduction so if she leaves to go get food then she looses even more hours. I did check the labor laws and this is 100% legal apparently

My fiancée works full time at as a guest representative 40hrs a week, 8hrs a day. Yesterday her boss told her that she is now going to start automatically deducting 30 minutes a day for all of the employee lunches whether they choose to take it or not. Before, her and her coworkers just ate their lunch when they had downtime. This sucks because that means my fiancée looses 2 and a half hours a week in pay and it brings our total income down a lot.

Another dumb part about this is that her boss wants employees to still clock out if they leave the parking lot to go get food and that time won’t be included in the automatic deduction so if she leaves to go get food then she looses even more hours. I did check the labor laws and this is 100% legal apparently

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