
My first tech/office job. What do you think? Is it worth staying there?

I was sending out resumes like crazy and after about 100 or so, I finally got a job offer. It's a IT specialist job, the company is providing tech support to its clients, usually pharmacies/hospitals. However, they hired me as a junior, with the presumption that they will have to spend a lot of time teaching me basically everything. Which is reflected in my salary. I'm not from the US, so not much point in converting it to dollars, but the salary is comparable to a warehouse job/cashier job. I could just go work at McDonald's and I would probably earn a little more. I have no experience or relevant education in this field, also I need money bad, and it's that type of job one could consider tolerable, which is why I accepted the job. It's my first week here, so far I haven't really been doing anything, just…

I was sending out resumes like crazy and after about 100 or so, I finally got a job offer.

It's a IT specialist job, the company is providing tech support to its clients, usually pharmacies/hospitals.

However, they hired me as a junior, with the presumption that they will have to spend a lot of time teaching me basically everything. Which is reflected in my salary. I'm not from the US, so not much point in converting it to dollars, but the salary is comparable to a warehouse job/cashier job. I could just go work at McDonald's and I would probably earn a little more.

I have no experience or relevant education in this field, also I need money bad, and it's that type of job one could consider tolerable, which is why I accepted the job.

It's my first week here, so far I haven't really been doing anything, just learning the job. I must say, after years of working at retail/factories/warehouses, it really feels nice not having to wake up at 5am for morning shift. My arms/back/legs don't hurt and there are no costumers yelling at me.

There have been some red flags though. For example, in the work contract, there's something like “your salary is a private matter and you are not to disclose it to anyone”, and “all phone calls must be picked up in a timely manner, ideally before the 3rd beep”. Most people here are 40+ and quite a lot of them have been working here for 10+ years.

I got the impression they want me to stay here for at least 2+ years, but with a salary like this, not gonna happen. Even as a tech junior, I am heavily underpaid and it doesn't seem like there's a huge possibility of a raise any time soon.

Also I was hired alongside a girl who is studying IT at a university, she said she's a part timer and her hourly pay is essentially same as mine

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