
My former employer doesnt have my last paycheck…

So i worked at trader joes. It was great at the start but towards the end became very toxic for me and i couldnt handle it and had a mental breakdown. I didnt show up for 3 weeks and already knew they were going to fire me so i only showed up to pick up my last check even though i never wanted to go back there again. Welp they didnt have my check at all and i dont know what to do about it 🙁

So i worked at trader joes. It was great at the start but towards the end became very toxic for me and i couldnt handle it and had a mental breakdown. I didnt show up for 3 weeks and already knew they were going to fire me so i only showed up to pick up my last check even though i never wanted to go back there again. Welp they didnt have my check at all and i dont know what to do about it 🙁

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