
My (former) psychiatrist is a god damn corporate shill.

I asked for 2 days a month FMLA, 2 fucking days a month, to help me control the god damn anxiety for my work. I work in healthcare myself, my job is stressful AF, last week I started having fucking panic attacks. I've been in therapy for for depression and on multiple meds for almost a year now, I am not fully normal still. My work has started violating our union contact on mandated overtime, and overnight shifts leave me in a ball of pain from migraines for two fucking days after. I have FMLA to get out of them, but I had just enough to cover the contractually agreed mandates, but because this month alone we have lost over 15 staff, they have blown right past that amount. I told my doc that my therapist has been pushing me to take time off work last month, he declined and…

I asked for 2 days a month FMLA, 2 fucking days a month, to help me control the god damn anxiety for my work.

I work in healthcare myself, my job is stressful AF, last week I started having fucking panic attacks. I've been in therapy for for depression and on multiple meds for almost a year now, I am not fully normal still. My work has started violating our union contact on mandated overtime, and overnight shifts leave me in a ball of pain from migraines for two fucking days after. I have FMLA to get out of them, but I had just enough to cover the contractually agreed mandates, but because this month alone we have lost over 15 staff, they have blown right past that amount.

I told my doc that my therapist has been pushing me to take time off work last month, he declined and showed me studies about prolonged time off and the rebound of returning to work. So I relented. Then with the mandates, the panic attacks set in. I asked him for the two days, saying I just need a little help.

The doctor then said “It is a department standard to not approve any disability” I tried explaining to him I will still show up for my 40 hours, I just need help. “Well I can give you meds to manage the anxiety” god damn it, I hate taking meds as it is, cant you just help a man out?

“We are in the business of supplying (my company) with healthy workers, we cant be giving time off like that” Are you fucking kidding me?! He then goes on to “We will not help you weasel your way out of your job” I lost my cool and hung up, and fired him as my doctor.

The beatings will continue until moral improves.

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