
My friend (25m) hates his job with a passion, how do convince him to look for another one?

Hi all, Everytime someone asked him if he likes his new job, he always replies with some variation of “it's shit and I fucking hate it”. Whenever Sunday night rolls around, his mood is always worse, it's seriously affecting his mental health, I understand what it's like because I (25m) have been there before. He lives at home, doesn't have a GF or child, and only has car payments, he has a lot of money saved up and could easily take time off work to get his head right and find another job, he's a factory worker, those types of jobs are extreamly easy to find, especially because of his past experience. We both left school at 16 (UK) and this is only his second job, his last one lasted for 10 years, the difference between the two jobs are night and day. I'm completely expecting his to brake down…

Hi all,

Everytime someone asked him if he likes his new job, he always replies with some variation of “it's shit and I fucking hate it”.

Whenever Sunday night rolls around, his mood is always worse, it's seriously affecting his mental health, I understand what it's like because I (25m) have been there before.

He lives at home, doesn't have a GF or child, and only has car payments, he has a lot of money saved up and could easily take time off work to get his head right and find another job, he's a factory worker, those types of jobs are extreamly easy to find, especially because of his past experience.

We both left school at 16 (UK) and this is only his second job, his last one lasted for 10 years, the difference between the two jobs are night and day.

I'm completely expecting his to brake down in tears some day soon.

My friend (25m) hates his job with a passion, how do I convince him to look for another one?

Thank you.

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