
My friend is being denied a job because of his hearing, even though it’s never impacted him in his job training. How can I help him?

My friend (we’ll call him Adam) has hypersensitive hearing and, out of the goodness of his heart (and the fact that this is his second job, I think?) told his potential employers. They’re now rejecting him based on the fact that his hearing could be a problem, even though it hasn’t caused him a problem in any of the job training and classes he’s been involved in. The job itself is an EMT position, and their reasoning is that it could be a safety hazard- which makes sense, except for the fact that Adam went to a technical school specifically to train to be an EMT without any problems, and has completed all of the additional training the new job is requiring just fine. He’s been doing the occasional 911 shifts (they keep newbies mostly doing paperwork iirc) since November and his overseer has said he shows good promise. He’s…

My friend (we’ll call him Adam) has hypersensitive hearing and, out of the goodness of his heart (and the fact that this is his second job, I think?) told his potential employers. They’re now rejecting him based on the fact that his hearing could be a problem, even though it hasn’t caused him a problem in any of the job training and classes he’s been involved in.

The job itself is an EMT position, and their reasoning is that it could be a safety hazard- which makes sense, except for the fact that Adam went to a technical school specifically to train to be an EMT without any problems, and has completed all of the additional training the new job is requiring just fine. He’s been doing the occasional 911 shifts (they keep newbies mostly doing paperwork iirc) since November and his overseer has said he shows good promise. He’s even pulled double shifts so other people could go home during the holidays.

This is crushing him. He’s dedicated so much time and energy to this, and it seems wildly unfair to reject him over something that has never been a problem. Plus, I’m unsure but it seems to be against ADA.

He’s contacting his uncle, a fire chief and head of a union or something, about it, but is there anything else? Resources, reading, people to talk to, etc.

TL;DR my friend is being rejected from a job in a way that I believe violates ADA. What happens now? What resources can be utilized?

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