
my friend just got arrested after her work called the police to do a wellness check.

So my friend/old coworker from a huge retail chain finally quit after 15 years. She had a breakdown after years of emotional and psychological abuse from working there (trust me i worked and got away from there too). There was a misunderstand in here holiday schedule. They are closed every Christmas but the scheduling system scheduled her to work one of her Set days off. She never checks the scheduling system. She has had the same schedule for 15 Years. And i know for fact full time employees get 3 days off during a holiday week. So they suspended her for missing her shift (that she's had the same days of the week off her entire work history). During her suspension she calls me and she lets it all out. I encourage her to do what makes her happy. And stop giving your whole life to this selfish corporation. So…

So my friend/old coworker from a huge retail chain finally quit after 15 years. She had a breakdown after years of emotional and psychological abuse from working there (trust me i worked and got away from there too). There was a misunderstand in here holiday schedule. They are closed every Christmas but the scheduling system scheduled her to work one of her Set days off. She never checks the scheduling system. She has had the same schedule for 15 Years. And i know for fact full time employees get 3 days off during a holiday week. So they suspended her for missing her shift (that she's had the same days of the week off her entire work history). During her suspension she calls me and she lets it all out. I encourage her to do what makes her happy. And stop giving your whole life to this selfish corporation. So she walked in one morning and quit on the job! I was so proud of her.

Then i haven't heard from her in a couple of days. I assumed she found a therapist to dump it all on, which was what i also encouraged. I can't take all my friend's problems on my own. So she calls my this evening from an unfamiliar number saying, “I got arrested, put in handcuffs because work called to do a wellness check on me while i was on a walk near my house”. She has Severe anxiety, extremely quiet, shy, passive person. When the cops started questioning her state of mind she mentioned the insomnia she was experiencing. They asked the “have you had thoughts of harming yourself and or others”, she replied, “in the emotional and physical state i was in, i could have.”. … So they handcuffed her as she's screaming for her husband to intervene. But they took her away and she was able to make a phone call from the mental hospital to tell me…..WTF!?!!! She's not allowed to leave. She's on a 5 day hold. She didn't commit any crime…. I told her she needs a lawyer to sue work and the cops! Ugh I'm so frustrated for her! Free my friend you bastards!

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