
My friend was denied an interview for a position she’s now expected to train someone else for.

We both used to work part-time at this IT place together (I no longer do) and she's been there a while. She knows what she's doing, and a full time position opened up. She expressed interest and applied, but wasn't even given an interview because she “lacked training”, despite her knowing the job better than most others there while being part-time. (We had a lot of stuff piled on us cuz no one else ever wanted to do any of it, and got exceptionally good at figuring things out and underdtanding the system as result.) There was also no follow up on what she needs more training in or how she could get there. However, the totally new guy they hired to fill the position, she is now expected to train. It was so frustrating to hear earlier today, I just needed somewhere to vent about it.

We both used to work part-time at this IT place together (I no longer do) and she's been there a while. She knows what she's doing, and a full time position opened up. She expressed interest and applied, but wasn't even given an interview because she “lacked training”, despite her knowing the job better than most others there while being part-time. (We had a lot of stuff piled on us cuz no one else ever wanted to do any of it, and got exceptionally good at figuring things out and underdtanding the system as result.) There was also no follow up on what she needs more training in or how she could get there. However, the totally new guy they hired to fill the position, she is now expected to train. It was so frustrating to hear earlier today, I just needed somewhere to vent about it.

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