
My friends wife wont let their kids hang out with me because i have no job

I know my friend for 25 years, he's a part of a small group of friends i know for that long. When they all starting making families and having kids i was happy for them but at the same time little sad because i thought that our friendship will drift apart because i have no family of my own, but that was not the case, i was part of theirs children lifes since young age and the children grew fond of me thats because im a child myself in my soul, its always easier for me to interact with children then with adults. Anyway… Recently i noticed that my friend is avoiding me, rarely calls me etc… I suspected that his wife is the culprit because she's one of those workaholic type of people who thinks that your job determines your value as a human being. So i recently found…

I know my friend for 25 years, he's a part of a small group of friends i know for that long. When they all starting making families and having kids i was happy for them but at the same time little sad because i thought that our friendship will drift apart because i have no family of my own, but that was not the case, i was part of theirs children lifes since young age and the children grew fond of me thats because im a child myself in my soul, its always easier for me to interact with children then with adults. Anyway… Recently i noticed that my friend is avoiding me, rarely calls me etc… I suspected that his wife is the culprit because she's one of those workaholic type of people who thinks that your job determines your value as a human being. So i recently found out that she said that she dont want her kids interact with me because i have no job and that i would be a bad influence to her kids… I mean wtf kids are like 5 and 3 years old how the hell i could negatively influence those pure young minds. At this point im just ranting…How did the humanity spiritually came to this? How did we put to pedestal rich sociopaths, and treat the poor like they have some kind of leprosy. I dont know…I just hope that in the future human kind will value more whats inside of a person and not what is material and irrelevant but i dont have high hopes…

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