
My GF’s boss took all of their Thanksgiving leftovers home

My GF's work had a Thanksgiving party yesterday. They ordered food for ~50 people (How many are in their building) but about half of those people took the week off so there was tons of food leftover. Everyone said “Awesome! No need to bring in/buy lunch rest of the week”. Until today a few of the employees went to go grab some food and the fridge was empty. They asked the boss what happened, and she said she took it home with her (This is enough food to feed 25+ people, keep in mind). They asked her why, because a lot of staff were looking forward to the leftovers and her boss pretty much said “My company, my food. Go away”. This lady makes well into six figures (WELL into 6 figures, if not more. She has 2 vacation homes both valued over $2 mil). Most of her employees are…

My GF's work had a Thanksgiving party yesterday. They ordered food for ~50 people (How many are in their building) but about half of those people took the week off so there was tons of food leftover. Everyone said “Awesome! No need to bring in/buy lunch rest of the week”. Until today a few of the employees went to go grab some food and the fridge was empty. They asked the boss what happened, and she said she took it home with her (This is enough food to feed 25+ people, keep in mind). They asked her why, because a lot of staff were looking forward to the leftovers and her boss pretty much said “My company, my food. Go away”. This lady makes well into six figures (WELL into 6 figures, if not more. She has 2 vacation homes both valued over $2 mil). Most of her employees are salaried at ~$35-45k a year (Which isn't terrible, but we are in a pretty high COL area). Unexpected expenses hurt tons of people, even if it's just lunch. I just don't understand why people are like this. As a boss and leader, why do so many people in these positions seem to go out of their way to make the people around them less happy? Obviously this isn't nearly as bad as what tons of people have to put up with in the workplace. But when talking to my GF I was just like “Why on earth would she do that??”. Like I get if you wanna take a plate home or something, of course! But going “I'm the boss so all 25 of these meals are mine” is just crazy to me. I don't understand people's thought process.

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